Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hidden Gems

   Here's what my fantasy world entails: due to my elite status as a fashion blogger, designers send me their pieces day-after-day, in hopes of getting their fabulous line displayed on the blog...which leaves me with a wardrobe filled with more clothes than I even know what to do with....{end fantasy}. On the flip side, here is my reality: I love buying, receiving, and wearing new clothes, as many girls do, but, also like many, there's that teenie tiny annoying factor that always seems to get in the way of shop-a-holics purchasing anything and everything in site (or as is usually the case with me- within finger-tip-reach on the keyboard).... the dough. This purchasing-blocking-factor allows for the inevitable to happen: re-wear, re-wear, rewear. Which honestly, I am totally cool with. Don't get me wrong, it would be wooonderful to have a new outfit to wear every single day...but it's really not practical nor is it necessary. My point being, I am a huge advocate in going throught the ol' closet and discovering what I like to refer to as "hidden" (buried between clothes making the piece completely out of sight) or "forgotten" ( "I totally forgot I even had this!" response upon re-discovering) GEMS.
    This is exactly what I fell upon Sunday morning as I was frantically trying to pull together an outfit for Easter brunch. Yes, I uncovered a hidden gem that had been helplessly smashed between other dresses at the end of my hanging rack. I wore this gem about two years ago for a friend's rehearsal dinner in South Carolina. Evidently, my thought process was this: "Well, I sure was tagged in a lot of pictures on Facebook in this dress, so "everyone" has now seen me in it...which obviously means one thing- it cannot be worn again." Don't pretend like this has not totally crossed your mind before because I know it has....the mutliple-wear-blocker is none other but THE Facebook. Clearly (thankfully) I have gotten over this train of thought and it sure helps that album posts are not as prevalent on the 'book these days. The point in all of this is that it is completely worth going through your closet every now and then to see what you might rediscover...and as long as it remains on-trend, you can spruce it up with different styling and then re-wear, re-wear, re-wear! xxx-A-

VAVA by Joy Han dress / Sperry wedges / Gucci sunglasses

LOVE the crochet detail on the back.

                              { purchase VAVA by Joy Han at }

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