Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bachelorette Bonanza

Once upon a time, there lived a group of oh-so-pretty girlfriends. Some friendships rooted way back to gradeschool while others met, grew and flourished in the high school and college years. All in all, several bonds held these girls strongly together. Within this group of girls was a little bitty girl named Jen who just so happened to be engaged to a guy in which she had been dating for (nearly) decades. On a very special day in April, each of these girls all came together, from near and far, to celebrate little Jen's last official day of singlehood. With a group of gorgeous girls, dressed head to toe in top trends galore, heading off to the races with cocktails in hand, and each containing an unyielding desire to party like its 1999...one would assume that these gals had a good time. And indeed they did....

* With SEVERAL bachelorette parties completed and many more to come, I am quite positive that we have mastered the art of throwing a successful party for a bride-to-be...and here is what I believe validates such a successful event! *

Evidence of a Successful Bach Bash (part I of an impending series to follow):

Smiles, smiles, and more smiles...

Lots of laughs....

Singing & dancing...

Great conversations...

Witty games....

Making new  friends...

And in our case, staying up WAY too late...

While this is not my typical "fashion/trend" post... it is most definitely my favorite...and how GORG and FASHIONABLE are my friends?!! Here's to a wedding-festivity-filled year gfs! xx-A-

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